Mr. Biden, Leave Iconic Days Alone!

Mr. Biden, Leave Iconic Days Alone!

President Joe Biden speaks from the balcony of the White House during the annual Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn on April 1, 2024. (Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images)

Christian Milord
Christian Milord


Updated: 4/3/2024


Americans can do without lectures by the transgender industrial complex, especially on a holy day such as Easter. The White House must have known that transgender visibility day—launched in 2009—would fall on Easter Sunday this year. Don’t trans activists have an entire month of LGBT celebratory activities in June? When can heterosexuals have a special day or month?
One wonders why President Joe Biden would pander to transgenderism and risk offending 2.4 billion Christians during an iconic day. He likely wouldn’t dare celebrate this trans day on a Muslim holiday. The push to undermine this country’s Judeo-Christian heritage marches on under this administration while far-left atheists, criminals, and unlawful migrants are glorified.
Easter is one of the most important Christian days wherein Jesus defeated death through his resurrection and offered redemption to fallen humanity. It is a reflective time when folks who embrace universal spiritual values ought to be able to worship peacefully without narcissistic disruptions.
Everywhere you turn, activists demand extra rights such as their own flag, parades, and books in libraries and public schools where they insert sexualized materials for minors to study. Aren’t trans folks up in our faces and visible enough? Is this merely a cry for attention or is it a deeper cry for help? Perhaps it is both.
While God loves everyone despite their flaws, it’s unlikely that God would approve of a lifestyle that defies moral and natural law. God and our parents have bestowed upon us the gift of life and an immutable biological gender at birth. While some folks might experience gender confusion as they are growing up, most outgrow it while others might need moral counseling and guidance.
No matter how hard an individual attempts to transition to another gender, it’s impossible to alter one’s original nature through drugs or bodily mutilation. The blessings of our biological gender ought to be celebrated as we strive to be the best males and females as possible. Gender-affirming care ought to mean exactly what it states. Each individual affirms their biological gender and cares deeply about bodily health.
A person holds a transgender pride flag in New York on June 28, 2019. (Angela Weiss/AFP/Getty Images)

A person holds a transgender pride flag in New York on June 28, 2019. (Angela Weiss/AFP/Getty Images)

Any counselor, doctor or teacher that advises youngsters to change what is impossible to change should be ostracized and fired. They are promoting a dangerous emotions-based ideology that even Europe is pulling back from. Since when has Europe ever been ahead of the U.S. regarding matters of the conscience?
Almost every action taken by the Biden administration seems tainted by a genuflection to authoritarian and political impulses. Can’t President Biden take one day to refrain from political calculations and just be a human being? He claims to be a devout Catholic, yet his behavior often contradicts this assertion. His stances remind us of Pope Francis, who recently blessed same-sex marriages despite biblical and church warnings regarding unnatural behaviors that can tarnish healthy relations and generate diseases.
President’s Biden’s lukewarm response to the public backlash regarding his tone deafness sounded like he was speaking with a forked tongue. The president should know by now that the trans industry is an unscientific construct that is unhinged from reality. It seeks to destroy women’s sports and drive a wedge between children and their parents. It is driven by unscrupulous influencers and some folks who might have good intentions. However, as the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Christianity has a pro-life stance and an acceptance of moral laws that govern human behavior. Most people of faith understand that tampering with moral and natural laws can lead individuals down a dark path toward perdition. Yet a shrill minority doubles down on lawfare against America’s Judeo-Christian heritage because they can’t handle biological and spiritual truths. They are lost souls searching for fleeting gratification.
In America, the Constitution’s first amendment provides protections for the freedoms of religion and speech. However, in recent years, those freedoms have been eroded by secularists hell-bent on silencing faith traditions. Modern Marxists have attempted to normalize the abnormal as well as subvert responsible liberty and the rule of law. This tyranny of the minority must be exposed and mitigated. The survival of the republic requires action and eternal vigilance.

Christian Milord is an Orange County, California-based educator, mentor, USCG veteran, and writer. He earned his M.S. degree from California State University, Fullerton, where he mentors student groups and is involved with literacy programs. His interests include culture, economics, education, domestic and foreign policy, and military issues. He can be reached at

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