5 Essential Upper Back Exercises to Activate Your Shoulders and Soothe Soreness

5 Essential Upper Back Exercises to Activate Your Shoulders and Soothe Soreness


Amber Yang
Amber Yang


Updated: 5/26/2024


Lower back pain and soreness are common issues among modern individuals, especially for office workers who spend prolonged periods sitting at their desks. A sedentary lifestyle can also lead to interscapular pain, which can be severe. Interscapular pain typically manifests between the inner edges of the scapulae and the spine, extending from the shoulder and neck to the upper back. Poor posture is a major contributor to this type of pain.

This article introduces five upper back stretching exercises designed to activate the shoulders, which can effectively alleviate upper back soreness.

Interscapular pain usually occurs in older individuals and those with a habit of poor posture, such as constantly looking down. It is often accompanied by symptoms of neck and shoulder soreness, as well as upper back pain. This is primarily due to the incorrect posture of rounded shoulders and a hunched back, which causes the neck to protrude forward, leading to excessive pressure on the cervical vertebrae.

The pressure on the cervical vertebrae can cause the shoulder blades to protrude forward and outward, which can lengthen and weaken the rhomboid and trapezius muscles in the upper back. This pressure can also lead to tension and contraction in the pectoralis major and minor muscles. Therefore, the corrective approach involves first relaxing the tense muscles and then engaging in exercises that target the weakened muscles.

Relaxing the Tense Muscles

Demonstration of the Massage Ball Relaxation Technique. (The Epoch Times)

Demonstration of the Massage Ball Relaxation Technique. (The Epoch Times)

1. Massage Ball Relaxation Technique

The tense spots of small muscles can be relieved by applying pressure with a massage ball.


  • Lie flat on the ground and place a massage ball at the upper edge of the shoulder blade, targeting the sore spot. Apply pressure to relax the muscles in that area. Due to the presence of Golgi tendon organs (sensory receptors) in the muscle, applying pressure for more than seven seconds will trigger an automatic relaxation response.
  • Slowly raise your arm up to your ear and then lower it. Repeat this movement 15 times to enhance muscle relaxation.

Demonstration of the Foam Roller Relaxation Technique. (The Epoch Times)

Demonstration of the Foam Roller Relaxation Technique. (The Epoch Times)

2. Foam Roller Relaxation Technique

Rounded shoulders and a hunched back cause the teres major muscle to lengthen and the latissimus dorsi muscle to contract and tighten. These large muscles can be relaxed using a foam roller.


  • Lie flat on the ground and place the foam roller under your armpit.
  • Use internal and external rotation of the arms to stimulate fascial relaxation.

Strengthening the Weakened Muscles

Demonstration of the Chest and Back Expansion. (The Epoch Times)

Demonstration of the Chest and Back Expansion. (The Epoch Times)

1. Chest and Back Expansion

Rounded shoulders and a hunched back result from the scapula protruding forward and outward, accompanied by tightness in the pectoral muscles. Performing exercises with opposite movements helps strengthen the rhomboid and trapezius muscles while stretching the pectoral muscles.


  • Form an arched-back posture by extending both arms forward.
  • Return to the starting position, then raise both arms to shoulder height, with the upper and lower arms forming a 90-degree angle. Rotate your shoulders outward and perform a chest expansion movement by moving both arms backward, feeling a squeeze in the shoulder blades. Be mindful not to shrug your shoulders during the exercise.

Demonstration of the Shoulder Blade Squeeze and Extend. (The Epoch Times)

Demonstration of the Shoulder Blade Squeeze and Extend. (The Epoch Times)

2. Shoulder Blade Squeeze and Extend

  • Sit with your body leaning forward at a 45-degree angle, and position both hands in a “W” shape at chest level.
  • Move both arms backward, squeezing your shoulder blades together, and hold this as the starting position.
  • Extend both hands forward, hold for three seconds, then return to the starting position.

Demonstration of the Shoulder Rotations. (The Epoch Times)

Demonstration of the Shoulder Rotations. (The Epoch Times)

3. Shoulder Rotations

  • Place both hands on your shoulders and perform internal and external rotation of the shoulders. Be mindful not to shrug during the exercise.
Individuals with shoulder and neck pain can consider performing the above exercises regularly, as they might help relieve the pain.


Amber Yang is a certified personal trainer. She met all the requirements of the American Council on Exercise to develop and implement personalized exercise programs. She worked as a marketing manager for natural skin care products for years and as a health and beauty reporter and editor for ten years. She is also the host and producer of the YouTube programs "Amber Running Green" and "Amber Health Interview."

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