8 Ordinary Beauties to Enjoy Today

8 Ordinary Beauties to Enjoy Today


Mike Donghia
Mike Donghia


Updated: 3/30/2024


An underrated and surprisingly simple way to add richness and meaning to your life is to become a connoisseur of everyday beauty. Many people spend money and invest their time to pursue a better life. Yet relatively few approach the gift of beauty with the intentionality it deserves.

Why is this? One reason is that beauty has so much to compete with these days. Unlike the pleasures of social media, tasty food, and gaining wealth, beauty’s pleasures gradually reveal themselves to those who cultivate a taste for them. Take a piece of art, complex music, or fine architecture, for example. They hold pleasures for the novice, to be sure, but they offer even more significant layers of beauty for those who invest the time to understand the nuances of what they’re experiencing.

Cultivating an appreciation of everyday beauty isn’t reserved for the smartest or most cultured. It’s not like becoming a connoisseur of wine or fancy cheese—it doesn’t have to be a pretentious pursuit or cost much money. I would argue that the most astonishing beauty in this world is freely available.

3 Skills Needed to Develop Your Study of Beauty

Beauty is everywhere—yet sometimes, we don’t see what is right in front of us. To recognize the beauty that surrounds us, certain skills are required.

1. The Ability to Be Fully Present

We often miss out on beauty because we’re going too fast or our mind is preoccupied with events in the past or future. Slow down, and carve out some time in your day to be present and attentive to what is before you.

2. The Ability to Notice

You may think that a connoisseur of beauty needs to recognize deep and profound truths—but that isn’t required. My encouragement is to simply notice what stands out to you, what is interesting, unusual, or delightful.

3. The Ability to Savor

Finally, the time to savor comes after carving out the mental space to notice beauty. Again, I encourage you not to make this more complicated than it needs to be. To savor something means to enjoy it fully. Go ahead and think nostalgically or romantically about the beauty before you. Tell yourself a story about how beauty is magical and necessary for human flourishing. The more vivid our experience, the more fully we’ll enjoy the experience of it.

That’s all it takes to become a student of beauty. There’s no right way—these are just helpful tips. Start practicing these skills a little each day.

8 Ordinary Beauties

Here’s a list of some of my favorite examples of ordinary beauty that are regularly accessible to most people. Stop taking them for granted and appreciate their gifts.
  1. The wonder of a child at play. See the child’s bounding energy, endless curiosity, and childish mannerisms.
  2. The colors of a sunrise or sunset. No two are ever the same. Be amazed by the many shades of colors and how they blend together.
  3. The taste and smell of food. Notice the emotions and memories they evoke. Mentally catalog the feeling of anticipation and the sense of pure bliss from those first few bites.
  4. The warmth of physical touch. Allow the warmth of another person’s body to comfort you, and pay attention to the subtle ways every hug, handshake, and embrace differs from person to person.
  5. The serenity of moving water. Few things calm the mind better than a gentle stream of water in a natural setting. Within the serenity is an explosion of life to be noticed.
  6. The sound of pleasant music. Think about the ways that sounds strung together can create such powerful experiences. Sound can energize and inspire—even more surprising, it can move us to tears.
  7. The intrigue of a good story. Whether a book, TV show, or movie, the power of a good story is indisputable. Don’t settle for passive engagement—pay attention to what makes you enjoy the story and how it hooks you.
  8. The splendor of nature. Nearly every plant, animal, insect, and mushroom can stir a sense of beauty if you take a moment and look closely.
Being a beauty connoisseur isn’t another item to add to your to-do list, and you don’t have to worry about “getting it right.” The most helpful way to think about it is as another path you can take on the trail of life. The path of experiencing beauty may be a little slower, but the views are better.


Mike Donghia and his wife, Mollie, blog at This Evergreen Home where they share their experience with living simply, intentionally, and relationally in this modern world. You can follow along by subscribing to their twice-weekly newsletter.

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