Born Under CCP’s Persecution, Survivors Recall Pain, Urge Action at Washington Vigil

Born Under CCP’s Persecution, Survivors Recall Pain, Urge Action at Washington Vigil

Falun Gong practitioners gather for a candlelight vigil commemorating Falun Gong practitioners’ persecution to death in China by the Chinese Communist Party at the National Mall in Washington on July 11, 2024. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

Eva Fu
Eva Fu


Updated: 8/10/2024


WASHINGTON—Li Hongxiang doesn’t know what normal family life looks like—he was robbed of it right after birth.

He was 36 days old when Chinese authorities threw his dad into jail. The next time they reunited, he was 10.

Upon arresting his father and grandparents, the police beat his mother, still in postpartum, demanding to know who helped put up a banner in their home city Shenyang that read “Falun Dafa Is Good.” She bundled up the baby and fled their home.

For most of those 10 years, the two bounced from place to place. After making a prison visit to his father in 2005, the police tracked his mother down and imposed on her a three year prison term. He was four.

They had committed no crime. What made them a target was their faith in Falun Gong, a meditation discipline that teaches the values of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. Like an estimated 70 million to 100 million others in communist China, the Li family found themselves engulfed in a relentless purge campaign from the top down.

Arbitrary arrest, forced labor, brutal torture, forced organ harvesting. An untold number of adherents, young and old, have suffered or died from it in the past quarter of century. On July 11 at the National Mall in Washington, Mr. Li and thousands of others came together to hold a vigil to commemorate the victims and survivors.

Steps away from where he stood on the edge of the meadow, rows and rows of people sat quietly, the flickering candle lights illuminating their faces and the bright yellow shirts.

The Chinese Communist Party has “no respect for people’s lives,” he told The Epoch Times.

Born a year after the persecution began, Mr. Li watched his family “completely shattered to pieces” under the regime. At age 10, his dad came out of prison a mere skeleton, with only three teeth, tuberculosis, and nearly 80 pounds lighter. He passed away a year later.

But the pain wasn’t his alone—the 23-year-old said he knows many families that have endured similar ordeals.

“I’ve experienced too much and seen too much,” he told The Epoch Times.

Li Hongxiang participates in a rally and a march calling for an end to the Chinese Communist Party’s 25-year-long persecution of the spiritual practice in Washington on July 11, 2024. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

Li Hongxiang participates in a rally and a march calling for an end to the Chinese Communist Party’s 25-year-long persecution of the spiritual practice in Washington on July 11, 2024. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

A Pledge Not to Forget

So much that he said he feels almost “numb” to suffering. At 6 foot 1, Mr. Li looks as if he has stored up all those dark memories inside him. His arms tensed up when he posed for a photo. He has learned to take things as they come, he said.

Mr. Li didn’t get to relax during holidays in China. Those were the days police came knocking at the door pressuring them to give up their beliefs, days where he simply hoped “nothing happens today.”

An undated photo of Li Hongxiang with his great grandmother in China. (Courtesy of

An undated photo of Li Hongxiang with his great grandmother in China. (Courtesy of

Since escaping to Thailand at 13 and later settling in America, he has observed families together every day who seem happy. He might have been one of them. But how they stay so is something he now struggles to understand—he didn’t grow up in it. The regime killed it.

Where words fall short, Mr. Li seems to be making it up with action. At the vigil and an earlier rally, he ferries equipment around, helping set them in order and tidies up.

He has attended every one of the annual events at the National Mall.

“I constantly remind myself not to forget,” he said.

Part of it is to honor the lives lost, including his father.

“People who have been persecuted to death need to be remembered,” he said. “Because they’ve experienced what many of us might not have in our lifetime.”

‘We Don’t Deserve Such Persecution’

He isn’t the only one growing up in the shadow of state terror.

Zhang Huaqi, who’s just months older, was similarly separated from her father in her birth year. Making Falun Gong banners was the offense stated on his 1-year sentencing document.

For the first 16 years of her life until their escape to the United States, Ms. Zhang dared not breathe a word about her faith to others. Her parents, and grandparents, faced risks of jail any time, and she feared being ostracized at school for holding a belief the regime has demonized so thoroughly.

Zhang Huaqi, after participating in a rally and a march calling for an end to the Chinese Communist Party’s 25-year-long persecution of the spiritual practice in Washington on July 11, 2024. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

Zhang Huaqi, after participating in a rally and a march calling for an end to the Chinese Communist Party’s 25-year-long persecution of the spiritual practice in Washington on July 11, 2024. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

In middle school, she remembered sitting uncomfortably in the classroom, listening to the teacher repeat hate propaganda from her textbook about a self-immolation incident—later found to be carefully staged—at Tiananmen Square.

Guilt and sadness hit her at the same time her classmates were chiming in, “buying into the lies.”

“I knew what the truth was, but I didn’t dare to stand up,” she told The Epoch Times.

The possible cost was dear. With the open encouragement from Beijing, someone could turn her in and escalate it to school authorities or police, all under orders to eliminate the faith.

When she was eight, a wave of roundups ahead of Beijing’s 2008 Olympics led to her mother’s arrest.

During a prison visit, she saw her mother with a thinned face, her long hair chopped to the ear.

Chinese sentencing documents for Zhang Huaqi's parents, Chen Jingyu and Zhang Ming, over their belief in Falun Gong in China. (Courtesy of Chen Jingyu)

Chinese sentencing documents for Zhang Huaqi's parents, Chen Jingyu and Zhang Ming, over their belief in Falun Gong in China. (Courtesy of Chen Jingyu)

It was another eight years before Ms. Zhang learned a fuller picture about that one year jail: her mother’s nearly 10 hours of labor daily making rag dolls destined for Japan, the glue that stung her eyes, guards who yelled at slower laborers, and meal times no longer than a few minutes.

“Falun Gong practitioners are all good people,” Ms. Zhang said. “We didn’t do anything bad, and we don’t deserve such persecution.”

Speaking up now, with the freedoms they found in America, was one way they hope to make a difference for those still in China.

“I can’t change the past,” said Mr. Li. “What I can do is to help where I’m needed—to do my part.”

Falun Gong practitioners gather for a candlelight vigil commemorating Falun Gong practitioners’ persecution to death in China by the Chinese Communist Party at the National Mall in Washington on July 11, 2024. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

Falun Gong practitioners gather for a candlelight vigil commemorating Falun Gong practitioners’ persecution to death in China by the Chinese Communist Party at the National Mall in Washington on July 11, 2024. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

Falun Gong adherents take part in a candlelight vigil in memory of Falun Gong practitioners who passed away during 25 years of ongoing persecution by the Chinese Communist Party in China at the National Mall in Washington on July 11, 2024. (Larry Dye/The Epoch Times)

Falun Gong adherents take part in a candlelight vigil in memory of Falun Gong practitioners who passed away during 25 years of ongoing persecution by the Chinese Communist Party in China at the National Mall in Washington on July 11, 2024. (Larry Dye/The Epoch Times)

Falun Gong adherents take part in a candlelight vigil in memory of Falun Gong practitioners who passed away during 25 years of ongoing persecution by the Chinese Communist Party in China at the National Mall in Washington on July 11, 2024. (Larry Dye/The Epoch Times)

Falun Gong adherents take part in a candlelight vigil in memory of Falun Gong practitioners who passed away during 25 years of ongoing persecution by the Chinese Communist Party in China at the National Mall in Washington on July 11, 2024. (Larry Dye/The Epoch Times)

Falun Gong practitioners gather for a candlelight vigil commemorating Falun Gong practitioners’ persecution to death in China by the Chinese Communist Party at the National Mall in Washington on July 11, 2024. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

Falun Gong practitioners gather for a candlelight vigil commemorating Falun Gong practitioners’ persecution to death in China by the Chinese Communist Party at the National Mall in Washington on July 11, 2024. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

Falun Gong practitioners gather for a candlelight vigil commemorating Falun Gong practitioners’ persecution to death in China by the Chinese Communist Party at the National Mall in Washington on July 11, 2024. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

Falun Gong practitioners gather for a candlelight vigil commemorating Falun Gong practitioners’ persecution to death in China by the Chinese Communist Party at the National Mall in Washington on July 11, 2024. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

Falun Gong practitioners gather for a candlelight vigil commemorating Falun Gong practitioners’ persecution to death in China by the Chinese Communist Party at the National Mall in Washington on July 11, 2024. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

Falun Gong practitioners gather for a candlelight vigil commemorating Falun Gong practitioners’ persecution to death in China by the Chinese Communist Party at the National Mall in Washington on July 11, 2024. (Madalina Vasiliu/The Epoch Times)

Eva Fu
Eva Fu

Eva Fu is a New York-based writer for The Epoch Times focusing on U.S. politics, U.S.-China relations, religious freedom, and human rights. Contact Eva at

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