Radical Teachers Push Sex on Kids and Leave Them Vulnerable to Pedophiles
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A middle school in La Quinta, Calif., on June 16, 2021. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)
By Rebecca Friedrichs and Roger Ruvolo
3/13/2024Updated: 3/13/2024


Like the proverbial frogs in warming water, we’ve come to a boil over one of the biggest controversies in schools. Why on earth are they pushing sex on our kids?

In the earliest grades especially, we meet essentially sweet, impressionable little kids for whom life still offers a kind of magical aura.

For most humans, that stretch—up to, say, age 10 or 11—is the only magical time they’ll ever know.

So why are we, through government schools, filling this innocent period of life with great sadness, with cultural and racial hatreds—and perhaps most poignantly, lurid sex? The answer is we’ve allowed radicals posing as teacher unions to take control of our schools, and their influence is enormous.

The California Teachers Association (CTA) publishes reports evaluating the union’s efforts to implement a “strategic plan” pushing the union’s preferred sexual and racial views on kids. The union has been pretty pleased with itself and has trumpeted its success through the efforts of the lawmakers it controls.

The union’s 136-page report from 2019 dedicated 12 of its pages to Equality California (EC), a private group that pushes LGBT-approved sex curriculum on kids, saying that EC has “passed more than 130 bills” that would “support LGBTQ Californians.”

For example, in 2017, CTA supported and helped Democratic state Sen. Scott Wiener pass SB 239, which removed felony punishment from anyone who intentionally infects someone with HIV. You read that correctly. It is no longer a felony in California to purposely contaminate someone with an incurable sexually transmitted disease.

Then in 2020, unions and their allies helped Mr. Weiner pass SB 145, which empowers pedophiles. Now a pedophile need not register as a sex offender if his victim is 10 years his junior or less.

Let’s consider how just these two laws alone can destroy the life of an innocent child. Any 24-year-old man who wants to have sex with a 14-year-old boy is sick and a pedophile, but thanks to the union machine, this 24-year-old predator is empowered to manipulate a child into his clutches. Let’s say this 24-year-old man passes HIV onto his victim. Now, a child who is too vulnerable to defend himself from an adult predator has an incurable disease. He will have to take extremely expensive medications—for life—to keep the HIV from advancing into full-blown AIDS. He will be at the mercy of the state for the drugs, and he’ll carry the deep shame of the sexual abuse he’s suffered.

This is none other than state-sanctioned child abuse.

So-called teacher unions are behind this nightmare! Why? They claim these sorts of laws are passed to protect LGBT children. Really unions? Then why is it that the very children you’re claiming to protect—kids identifying as LGBT—are the very ones you’re throwing to the wolves?

Though the union machine has been after our kids for decades, the public outcry over the sexualization of children is fairly recent. And though parents and good teachers are shouting from the rooftops, it’s not much of an outcry when you consider that few political leaders have pointed to the root cause of the problem: the union machine. That’s because most of those politicians are in the union’s pockets.

In states like California, where the Democratic Party boasts a two-thirds plus super-majority in the legislature and controls the executive branch, with the leviathan California Teachers Association by far the most influential lobbying group in Sacramento, unions have an outsized impact on our kids.

What happens in California is sadly a case study and a model emulated by other states. Nationwide, unions and the sympathetic lawmakers they put into office, have cleared paths for similar actions and behaviors that most people, if they knew about this, would flatly condemn.

In fact, these forces have been intentionally sabotaging America’s schools for decades.

Early on, they inserted sex education and Planned Parenthood into our schools, claiming (dishonestly) that they were protecting kids from sexually transmitted disease. Then they started normalizing letting kids use the bathroom where they felt most “comfortable.” So males could “feel like” girls and use the girls’ bathroom at will.

Since then, government schools have paved the way for all manner of leftist ideology, and there’s no end in sight.

In 2016 we got the absurdly named California Healthy Youth Act. The idea here is to teach the youngest kids all about sex—how to perform sex acts, what “feels good,” view pornography, put condoms on bananas.

Then it became vogue for schools to push gender changes on little kids—and to do so behind parents’ backs. Now they’re putting kids in touch with TrevorSpace, an online site where they can “explore” their genders and sexuality with complete strangers.

Lately, unions have led the demonizing of newly-elected school boards that vote to remove pornographic books from schools, including books used to push kids to interact sexually with older people.

Unions, using devious propaganda shout, “They’re banning books!” and sadly, way too many Americans fall for the brainwashing. So now, good school board members are pilloried as “censors” when all they’re doing is protecting our kids from perverts.

Jesus said, “It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones” (Luke 17:2). The unions, their legislators, and their allies like Equality California should heed Christ’s words. They’ve gotten away with abusing children for decades, but the moms and dads are finally awakening, and their prayers are reaching the heavens.

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Rebecca Friedrichs is the founder of For Kids and Country, the author of “Standing Up to Goliath: Battling State and National Teachers’ Unions for the Heart and Soul of Our Kids and Country,” and a 28-year public school teacher who was lead plaintiff in Friedrichs v. CTA.
More from Rebecca Friedrichs
Roger Ruvolo is a longtime newspaper editor and a new contributor to For Kids & Country.

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