Sheridan Genrich

Sheridan Genrich

Sheridan Genrich, BHSc. is a clinical nutritionist and naturopath whose consulting practice since 2009 has specialized in helping people who struggle with digestive discomfort, addictions, sleep, and mood disturbances. During her complementary medicine degree at university, Sheridan developed a passion for understanding behavioral neuroscience and gut-brain imbalances. Since then she has completed extensive post-graduate certifications in nutrigenomics, polyvagal theory in trauma and other nutritional healing approaches using the "food first" principles. As a highly sensitive person who has learned to thrive again after years of extraordinary adversity, Sheridan believes people can unlock their innate potential and heal with the right tools and support. She actively stays up-to-date with evidence-based research while also incorporating ancestral approaches that are personalized and aligned with nature’s rhythms.
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